Not many of us would like to,
Step back in time to the past.
When things were simpler,
Many things were built to last.
Would you step back in time,
In this playful and creative rhyme?
A time when things were calmer,
There was no rush to be anywhere.
We think that in the past,
Things were dull and so pale.
Yet, we know that is not completely true,
There were vibrant designs, yellow to blue.
Would you go back in time to refer to,
Large books like dictionaries and encyclopedias?
In the world today, everything is on the web.
A world buzzing with AI, facts and ideas.
Would you go back in time when things were slow?
To travel on a ship or a boat in days or more?
Today, you can travel to another country in hours,
You can eat cheese, and wine, bring your lover flowers.
Would you go back in time to watch photos,
When you can look at videos online today?
Perhaps you still crave for the days gone by,
There are now just memories that fly by.
