The Wolf on the Prowl and the Writer in a Cowl
We see wolves moving around in packs,As they hunt for their prey.There are wolves in the forests,There are wolves in the snow.We see dead animals here and there.Wolves, beware hunting season is here.

The writers love to belong, To clubs, groups and communities. When their voices are suppressed, They take up pens and get anxious. A writer can be a lone wolf as he or she creates the next novel . Overcoming procrastination every day, Requires a sense of purpose and will.

Like wolves, writers get more power, As they get together in communities. They think of remarkable ideas,Make big plans for changes in the world. A writer hunts a good idea and gets it in time,To develop and create a good story,An article or a new poem in rhythmic rhyme.
Beware, there is a wolf on the prowl. She is not really on her own, She belongs to a larger pack. Beware, there is a writer on your street, He writes his ideas into great stories. Every literary piece makes our world complete. Almost every writer needs to belong, To a club, group or a larger community. There is strength in numbers we are told, As writers, we need to be courageous and bold . There is a wolf on the prowl, A writer is writing in a cowl.